Tag Archives: meta

A bit of bibliography

Regina Barreca
They Used to Call Me Snow White…but I Drifted: Women’s Strategic Use of Humor (1992)
Untamed and Unabashed: Essays on Women and Humor in British Literature (1994)
Sweet Revenge: The Wicked Delights of Getting Even (1995)
An ABC of Vice: An Insatiable Women’s Guide, Alphabetized (2003)
I’m With Stupid: One Man, One Woman, 10,000 Years of Misunderstanding Between the Sexes Cleared Right Up (2004) (excerpt)
Babes In Boyland: A Personal History Of Co-education In The Ivy League
home page

Denise Collier & Kathleen Beckett
Spare Ribs: Women in the Humor Biz (1980)

Gloria Kaufman (ed)
IN STITCHES: A Patchwork of Feminist Humor and Satire Indiana U Press (1991)

Linda Morris
Women Vernacular Humorists in Nineteenth-Century America: Ann Stephens, Frances Whitcher, and Marietta Holley (1988)
Women’s Humor in the Age of Gentility: The Life and Works of Frances Miriam Whitcher (1992)
Ed. American Women Humorists: Critical Essays (1994)

June Sochen
Ed. Women’s Comic Visions (1991)
Mae West: She Who Laughs, Lasts (1992)

Nancy Walker
A Very Serious Thing: Women’s Humor and American Culture (1988)

Nancy Walker and Zita Dresner
Ed. Redressing the Balance: American Women’s Literary Humor from Colonial
Times to the 1980s

Roz Warren
Ed. Women’s Glib: A Collection of Women’s Humor (1991)
Ed. Women’s Glibber: State-Of-The-Art Women’s Humor (1992)

(much of this information is taken from this web page)